Expert Safety Training for Lifting & Industry
ALLMI, NPORS and In-house training courses for you and your team. Designed and delivered by knowledgeable and enthusiastic trainers to fit your exact training needs.
Sussex Transport | Training Division is an expert provider of recognised training courses and solutions for lifting, material handling, working at height, vehicle marshalling and many more.
We currently offer a vast selection of industry standard ALLMI and NPORS accredited training programmes. We also offer in-house accredited bespoke training for yourself or your team when time, skills and environmental factors mean that generic courses may not meet your organisational needs.
ALLMI are the leading accreditation service and standards body for the lorry loader industry. With an aim of raising the standards of lorry loader operators and instructors throughout the UK.
We’ve coupled ALLMI with NPORS (National Plant Operators Registration Scheme) who are one of the UK’s leading accreditation and registration Bodies, working in the Construction, Industrial, Utilities, Warehousing and Distribution sectors.
From our head office in West Sussex, or at your chosen site we deliver training programmes fit for you as an individual or for your whole team. (Onsite training subject to site suitability)