London City Warehousing
Warehousing & Distribution in London
London Clearing House - Storage & Delivery Logistics
With multiple sites in Sussex and Surrey we are regularly called upon by a collection of our clients to deliver into our country’s capital.
Schemes and regulations such as FORS, MACE and Crossrail ensure that the majority of deliveries into London need to be carried out by approved and accredited hauliers with modern vehicles and trained drivers.
Our adherence to these schemes is just one reason why we are favoured by many as the haulier of choice for all their London deliveries.
Whilst collection from your business and delivery into London is certainly part of our offering and something we are very good at, we do offer a lot more to customers who utilise us as a clearing house for goods of all sizes. We are not just talking boxes and pallets. We regularly unload, store and re-deliver large, bulky and specialist items into the city that require crane, forklift and even telehandler offloads.

Get in touch
Let's talk London logistics
On the lookout for a London Logistics Partner? We're perfectly placed!
Working on a large project in London but can't accept the whole delivery in one drop?
We operate a collection of warehouses and storage yards in Sussex and Surrey and can provide expert contract logistics and call off. We will take delivery of your goods, inspect or welcome your team in to inspect before placing into storage. We will then provide you means of calling the goods off in our agreed quantities and provide accredited delivery services exactly when you need the goods on-site.
Running a business in London but have limited storage space?
Storage in London isn’t just expensive, it’s limited to say the very least. Allowing us to take in your deliveries, store outside of the capital and then deliver in on-demand freeing up your space and cashflow.
Bringing goods in from Europe or another country and need them stored then delivered, or the client is not ready for delivery?
Very much like the above, we operate as a clearing-house for European manufacturers or hauliers. All of whom rely on us to become an integral part of their supply chain. We receive and check goods into the warehouse and storage locations, add to our class-leading inventory systems, and distribute on-demand in whole lots, or in phased deliveries to suit.
A manufacturer ready to make delivery but the contractor isn't ready for the goods just yet?
Often construction projects of a certain size require expert planning and logistics to function smoothly. Having goods (like windows for an office development) ready in advance is crucial. The lead time is long and many factors can impact the date those goods should be on site. Often the goods need storage after manufacture and the manufacturer cannot store at their site. This is where we step in, taking delivery, holding the goods and delivering when needed.